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  • Email: ngombss.bd@gmail.com
March 19, 2024

Assalamu Alaikum. “We care a lot about the Mission and Vision of MBSS, which is extremely important, but I love focusing on understanding the people behind it. I believe that when you take care of yourself as a leader, when you understand who you are—what makes you tick, what energizes you, what keeps you up at night—and when you understand your team and say ‘what do you need to accomplish the goals that are set in front of you?’ … and can truly understand them, you have an opportunity to really make a difference. We try to come alongside people and interact with our supporters so that they know that we see them, we’re with them, and we’re in this together. Fear is useless. What is needed is trust. As social innovators we’ve got to be tenacious, gritty, and courageous. We deal with cynicism and rejection, especially when what we’re working on is important. So we can never give up. Ever.